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  • abarnsgraham

Patricia Brickell

For me creating - The colours are as words, and painting is like making music and magic.

I want to excite the viewer and my self with creative expression - a sky full of passion, and a land full of opportunity; mountains of mystic splendour for adventure and torrential rivers. It is in creating that is important, not the canvas, until the moment it is finished and embodies mind, spirit - a being, doing.

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  • abarnsgraham

Judith Lawson & Milvia Romici

Plastic Pollution is a well-recognised threat to marine, freshwater and land environments.

Despite this growing awareness, plastic continues to be produced daily and discarded on an astronomical global scale.We are living in a time that could be described as the Waste-Age. Through their art practices, Judith Lawson and Milvia Romici respond to human habits of excessive consumption and a lack of concern for the magnitude of the plastic waste problem.

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  • abarnsgraham

Adele Mathews. Carole Stewart. Chuck Joseph. Helen Perrettt. Jude Rae.

Louise Rive. Margaret Bray. Margaret Sumich. Susan St Lawrence.

Suzy Dunser. Trish Seddon

This years theme of TIME AND TIDE has challenged artists to ponder thoughts and ideas

about the sea, passing time, and inevitable change. The resulting thought-provoking works take the form of ceramics, photography, painting and a collaboration of Haiku, watercolours and textiles.

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